2025 Kidding schedule is now Posted!

Our 2025 goat kidding list is now available!
Check our or kidding schedule to see the parings and to reserve your new baby goat. Reservations are the best way to insure you get a kid from your favorite pairing. Reservations are free and a $100.00 deposit holds the kid you choose until ready for pick up.
Spring Poultry & Homestead Swap
Saturday, May 3rd
10:00am - 3:00pm

Time to mark your calendar, the Spring Homestead & Poultry Swap will be back for 2025!! This year's event will be on Saturday, May 3rd from 10am to 3pm. Come join us, for a fun way to meet other locals that share your passion for poultry and all things homesteading. Chat with breeders, make some new friends and shop the vendors to find poultry of all ages, rabbits, garden starts, homemade items and so much more! This event is rain or shine, family friendly, open to the public. We look forward to seeing you there.
Check out the Facebook event link to, see what vendor will be bring , get event updates and to stay in the loop. https://www.facebook.com/share/19WhagYK6i/ Please feel free to share the link to help spread the word.
Want to register to be a vendor at the Swap? Ready over the Vendor Policy's & Fill out the Vendor Agreement . You Can also email us any questions you may have.
Here are some other links you may find helpful:
Goat Show We Plan To Attend

Kitsap Fuzzy Show - date TBA - Kitsap County Fairgrounds in Bremerton, WA
(Junior does & Senior does only)
Udder Spectacular - May 24th - Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, WA
(Senior does, Junior does & Bucks)
Barn in the USA - June 27-28 - Clark County Fairgrounds in Ridgefield, WA
(Senior does, Junior does & Bucks)
More maybe added later, please check back!
Thank you for checking our our events!
Saturday, May 21st
10:00am - 4:00pm
Be sure to check back often to see any newly added events.
Page last updated 01/06/2025